Serving God by Serving Others
One of the privileges we have at Bible Baptist Church is ministering to families with young children. Each and every service, our nursery workers provide safe and loving child care for infants through age 3.

Every Sunday at 7:45 am and 10:05 am, "Heavenly Sonlight" can be heard on local radio station 1260AM KROX. The weekly program was started as an outreach ministry by Pastor Doss, who still records new programs occasionally, along with the other men on church staff.
The Great Commission that Christ gave to the local church is found in Mark 16:15, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." In addition to our outreach efforts here at home, we actively support other missionaries who are called to bring the Gospel to "the uttermost part of the earth." Bible Baptist Church supports a number of missionaries, evangelists, and church planters who are fulfilling the work of the Great Commission both here in the United States and around the world.

At Bible Baptist Church, we enjoy singing many of the great hymns of the faith, along with newer songs that are equally Christ honoring. Both in the congregational singing and in our other special groups, we make sure the music is traditional, yet lively, and most of all, pleasing to the Lord, who is our True Audience.
Feel free to contact us or join us for one of our services to find out more about our church and ministries!